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Public Records

Requests for Public Records

Arizona law requires all officers and public bodies to maintain records reasonably necessary to provide an accurate accounting of their official activities and of any government funded activities.  Generally, Public Records are records created or received by a government agency or employee that relates to public business. You may view or request copies of public records. You are required to disclose whether the public records will be used for a commercial or non-commercial purpose. Requestors are required to provide the purpose of a commercial request.

Commerial Use per A.R.S. § 39-121.03 includes the following:

  1. Obtaining records which will be used for sale or resale
  2. Obtaining names and addresses for purpose of solicitation, or
  3. The sale of names and addresses for the purpose of solicitation or any other purpose in which the purchaser can reasonable anticipate monetary gain. .

It does not include the use of public records as evidence or research for evidence in an action. It also does not include obtaining records for news gathering.

Download  Request for Public Records for a COMMERICAL USEDownload Request for Public Records for a NON-COMMERICAL USE 


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