About Us
Highands Fire District serves a population of roughly 7,000 residents, and responds to an average of 780 calls each year. HFD employs 28 dedicated personnel and maintains two state-of-the-art fire stations to deliver fire suppression, emergency medical services, wildland fire response , fuels reduction, fire prevention, and public education in the heart of Northern Arizona. Located six miles south of Flagstaff Arizona, the HFD covers the communities of Kachina Village, Mountainaire, Forest Highlands, Pine Del and Lower Lake Mary. We live and work within the nation’s largest contiguous stand of Ponderosa pine forest where wildfire is an inherent risk of wildfire. Recognizing that wildfire is the single greatest threat to our community, HFD has invested heavily in wildfire suppression and mitigation.

HFD has taken a leadership role in the formation of partnerships in Northern Arizona and supports the concept of functional regionalization to effectively improve emergency services in the greater Flagstaff Area. Through Intergovernmental Agreements, HFD also provides emergency services for Flagstaff Ranch Fire District and Fort Tuthill Recreational Area.